ugh he gets mad about þe most minor þings and wont start þerapy and he cheated on my mom (she knows and is trying to “fix” þeir marriage) and hes literally so disgusting,, he sits on þe couch watching tv wiþ his big ass phone in his hands and chips on his stomach and þen þrows his trash on þe ground and he slams all þe doors and i guess he is kinda helpful around þe house (cooking like every 3 weeks and occasionally putting dishes away) but hes so noisy wiþ everyþing he does :( and i cant discuss any of þis shit wiþ him because any time someone counters him he starts yelling and playing victim :animaljamsmile: ughhh i hate him i hate him and my mom þinks hes þe greatest person ever and hes always making her go on vacation randomly wiþ no warning leaving me alone for days at a time and she has like no time left to spend wiþ me anymore,,,,